IPL Hair Removal

Summer is approaching fast, and we have had a few beautiful days to remind us its going to be here before we know it!

Checklist : IPL  Armpits , extended bikini, Brazilian, Lip!

Why IPL?

IPL is the easiest option for hair removal 99% reduction!

You don’t have to grow the hair out till your next appointment!

You can shave everyday you don’t have to grow it out for your next appointment!

Eliminates Ingrown hairs,

Cost effective $$

No painful threading or waxing

All beautiful skin colours and Tones can have this treatment

A Simple Version of how IPL Works……

IPL stands for intense pulsed light, and it is a form of light therapy, used for various dermatological procedures including hair removal.

The light is absorbed by the pigment in the hair. It quickly turns to heat which then kills the growing cells that make the hair so the hair does not return

The treatment is quick and treatment times are 6 weeks apart.

Don’t just think about it! Book in for a free consultation with Michelle…no obligations and discuss the best options for you….and the best news is you can pay it off with Genopay!

Call us today to make your booking ….07 5712183

Salon One Your One Stop Beauty Shop