Allergy Alert Test/Patch Test
Have you heard of these? Here at Salon One we always do our best to ensure you are looked after first and foremost, which is why, as a leading salon we now offer this service to you.
Due to the changes in law regarding patch testing prior to chemical services, we must now offer to all clients to have an allergy/patch test 48 hours before a chemical service. If you choose not to have this test, then we do require you to sign an indemnity form (which we have at the Salon) before commencement of your chemical service. Because of this change, we must offer this test before every chemical service.
What is an allergy/patch test and how is the test done?
The allergy/patch test is a very simple test to perform. As an example, if you are having a colour we place the product (1cm by 1cm) either behind your ear or on the inside of your elbow. We then leave for 45 mins. After 45 mins the colour needs to be washed off with lukewarm water (you do not have to remain in the salon for 45 mins, you can complete this test yourself). If any reaction occurs during the processing time or during the following 48 hours, rinse immediately and do not use this colourant.
We want you to be safe with us
This test represents an important precaution. However, be aware that even if an allergy test has been carried out the client (you) may still experience an allergic reaction when a chemical service occurs. The allergy test is not a guarantee of avoiding future allergic reactions.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and helping us to look after you!